Upgrade and merging servers 'anchorhost1' and 'anchorhost7'
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Anchor Hosting
Everything has been upgraded and merged successfully. The server is healthy.
Posted Aug 29, 2017 - 15:39 EDT
On Tuesday, August 29 at 12AM EST the WP Engine server 'anchorhost1' will be upgraded in hardware (no IP updates needed). There will be 10-15 minutes of downtime while upgrades are completed. After the upgrade has been verified, websites on 'anchorhost7' will be migrated to the upgraded 'anchorhost1' server. Total time for 'anchorhost7' migration is expected to take 9 hours. During the migration process, WP Engine will setup a proxy to route traffic to the new server. After migrations are completed I'll be rolling out DNS updates.

These migrations and upgrades are happening to address instability affecting many of my WP Engine servers over the past 2 weeks. The identified cause was due to database size begin over the recommended server limits which caused server memory to max out. In the past spinning up additional servers help stabilized things however that turned out to be a short term fix as even the new servers were still at or over capacity in regards to database size. This is the last scheduled migration which was done to consolidate my 7 dedicated WP Engine servers (level 1s) over to 4 dedicated WP Engine (3x level 3s and 1x level 1). This will significantly increase database size capacity and increase overall capacity as I continue to add new installations.
Posted Aug 28, 2017 - 12:57 EDT